
散仙谷 http://www.webjb.org/webjb/sanxian/

送交者: testtesttest 于 2025-02-04 06:13:19

回答: 看川猪玩各个击破,呵呵。就看习近平是不是赵简子对智 由 于 2025-02-04 03:33:15

不知道所谓的“treat TikTok as a commercial (not a national security) issue.” 是什么意思。不过无论如何用中国大数据搞得算法是不可能卖的。这口子一开那就真没有国家安全了,世界上值得美帝大资本买的东西不多了(别忘了美帝核印刷机的能量,加上RMB的低估),而中国这几个大互联网公司是为数不多的几个。即使是现在,大概也是西方控股,所以绝不能让西方全都买过去,同时照样在中国国内吸血。


*China is preparing a list of concessions to avoid an escalation in Trump’s trade war, including purchasing more American goods, investing more in the US, a commitment to avoid yuan devaluations, curbing fentanyl precursor exports, and agreeing to treat TikTok as a commercial (not a national security) issue. WSJ

*China’s Caixin manufacturing PMI for Jan comes in at 50.1 (down from 50.5 in Dec and below the Street’s 50.6 forecast). RTRS

*China is to renew a pledge not to devalue the yuan to help its exporters and it is to offer to reinstate the \'Phase One\' deal as part of its opening bid for trade negotiations, while it plans to include an offer to make more investments in the US and is to treat TikTok largely as a commercial matter in negotiations, according to WSJ.

*China’s Commerce Ministry said China will take necessary countermeasures to new US tariffs and that Fentanyl is America’s problem. Furthermore, it said China will challenge the new US tariffs under WTO and that there are no winners in a trade war, while it urged the US to engage in frank dialogue and strengthen cooperation.




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